
Jesus said, "whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be a servant to all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." - March 10:43-45

So how do we become these kinds of servants? Through receiving God’s gifts of belovedness, abundance, humility, and empowerment. If we have trusted in Jesus for salvation and been joined to Him through His life, death, and resurrection, we are loved and delighted in by our Father in heaven. 

And as forgiven, reconciled children, there is no ultimate thing we lack from God and no work we can do that would cause God to love us anymore than God already does. 

From that place of abundance, we are moved to serve others in humility like Jesus, with no ulterior motives or hidden agendas. And just as Jesus was filled by the Holy Spirit for His ministry, we are empowered by the Spirit with various gifts for building up the Church and the city we live in.

We believe that God has uniquely wired you with talents and gifts that can be used to serve in the local church. Not only is this one of the ways that you can grow in our relationship with God and others, but this is also what it means to be part of the family here at Keene Church of the Nazarene. 

If you're interested in serving on a team and would like more information about how to get started, click the button below. You'll fill out a quick form and we'll help you identify an area where you can serve according to your skill set, season, and schedule.